Wayfinding Journey
In August 2021, we celebrated 80 years of gathering for worship at 46 Boulcott St. The milestone prompted us to ask, “What next? How can we best steward our resources into the future?” Along with 46 Boulcott St, Central owns the properties at 39 Boulcott St, 327 and 331 Willis St.
Here’s what our Wayfinding Journey looked like through 2022:
Phase 1 – Where we have been, our history: Regenerative design research, summary and presentations during June-August 2022
Phase 2 – Where we are, current trends: Current trends sermon series in Sept 2022
Phase 3 – Wayfinding Hui #1: Looking to the past, analyzing the present and identifying common ground in visions for the future in Oct 2022. Presentation of 7 common ground statements for review and feedback in Nov 2022
Phase 4 – turning the 7 common ground statements into a single scenario for the next 10 years under God’s direction (March – November). Click here to read the edited common ground statements from the November Quarterly Church Meeting.
As we continue the Wayfinding Journey, we’re working to create a single scenario for 2033, describing how Central will be blessing Wellington in 2033 using the resources represented by the four properties. We’ll then create an action plan to begin realising that vision, and begin implementing it, learning to “act as if” the 10-year vision is real.