Connecting as Community
As a faith community, we love coming together for worship. When we gather (whether in small groups or on Sunday mornings), Christ is present through the Holy Spirit, ministering to us through one another.
Sunday Gathering
Our 10am gathering on Sunday focuses on hearing the Scriptures and receiving the Lord’s Supper (every first and third Sunday of the month). We also sing, pray, give, confess, contemplate, celebrate church seasons, hear stories, and talk with each other (especially over a cuppa!). We value hearing from different voices, seeing the wisdom of God expressed in God’s diverse people. Reflecting our journey towards honouring te Tiriti o Waitangi, we incorporate te reo Māori, waiata, and karakia in our services. You’re welcome to join us for prayer before the service at 9:33am.
We hope our Sunday practice influences our weekday practice—that what we do as a “gathered community” forms and shapes us as a “scattered community”, living as Christ followers in our homes, schools, workplaces, and communities.